Thursday, January 13, 2011

Liberal thinking 101 (my oldie but goodie)

A. AIDS is not the fault of decadent behaviour of those afflicted. It is the fault of greedy people that don't want the government to steal their money for the research to cure it

B. It is more important to determine at conception who is prone to a genetic disease than it is to cure it. Society needn't be financially burdened with humans that need constant medical care. Encourage or force mothers to abort, even partial-birth

C. Victims of genetically acquired diseases don't deserve mercy. Their mothers are responsible for not aborting them

D. The elderly have outlived their usefulness. Their resources must be confiscated and their health care eliminated

E. Wars happen because evil nations try to defend themselves

F. God may or may not exist, but Government is certain and must be given authority to control our lives

G. People that have the audacity to better their lives and those around them need to be punished. How dare they even think they can make the world better?

H. Worsen the lives of those around you. No matter how bad life gets, you have the comfort of knowing your neighbor is suffering, too.

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