Monday, December 27, 2010

The case for Ken Cuccinelli

Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Mitch Daniels, John Boehner, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, even Rick Perry & Marco Rubio have been mentioned.

And yes, I'm sure half-a-dozen of you are upset that I left out your choice for the 2012 election. I'm sorry, OK? How was I to know we would be facing all this chaos?

But I digress. This, being a rare post for me, is about why I think Virginia AG Ken Cuccinelli is easily the most qualified potential candidate for POTUS in 2012. Let's start a campaign. "KC & the Sunshine plan". Something like that. I don't do that sort of stuff, but maybe one of you can.

1st, lemme try to cover the other top candidates as briefly as possible. Let's start with Romney.

Romey's Dad was George Romney who is credited with attaining wealth from the auto industry, who subsequently put that into the Hotel industry. Glenn Beck likes him, had a nice story about him in 08, etc.

My take? Romney is a silver-spooner. It's not that he's a bad guy, but that experiment in Massachusetts with socialized health care puts him out to pasture.

Sarah Palin. Need I say more? I don't have a knock on her. I pulled the lever for her in 08. Nothing's changed here. My concern is that the extra-curricular stuff could be used to falsley portray her as some sort of zealot. Liberals are so jealous of her they can't see straight.

Pawlenty & Huckabee are too soft towards liberals. I see confusion, or lack of pure conviction, in both of them.

Boehner has made some boo-boos along the way, and at times appears to be easily confused. The crying thing I had no problem with, but potential voters might. His strength is his ability to endure. I'm impressed he's survived thru the Gingrich & Pelosi years to be Speaker now.

Which brings me to Newt. Ahhh, Newt. You broke our hearts when you supported Scozzafava. I'm sorry, but that fiasco exposed your desire to stay in the establishment fray. No way Newt-ay.

Rubio & Perry both need to be seen in action. Let's see what they're made of. Perry's been in for a little while, so far, so good.

What I know of Daniels makes him my 3rd choice.

Which brings me to the Virginia AG, Ken Cuccinelli. While all of the other potential candidates have seen action with mixed results, this individual has done something all of the others have yet to accomplish: he DEFEATED the Obama agenda, head on, IN HIS FIRST ATTEMPT.

What's the significance of this? Consider all of the lawsuits that have been brought to the Federal courts by various individuals in the last year or so and have failed & had to be appealed. Yes, I know we have hack judges in the system, yadda yadda yadda. But this also exemplifies the command of the Constitution by the various suing parties.

Go to YouTube & watch a few of Cuccinelli's press conferences, interviews, etc. I have yet to see an individual with the command of COTUS that Ken Cuccinelli has. Also, he is an authentic, classic, Ben Franklin libertarian. We, the glorious United States of America, need someone with instant command of COTUS to correct the horrific legal mess created by the current administration. I believe Ken Cuccinelli is the best Patriot for the job.

That's my case & I'm sticking to it (Someone make pins & T-shirts already).

1 comment:

Chris Smith said...

How can you support a tax and spend liberal like quitter Palin?