Monday, December 27, 2010

The case for Ken Cuccinelli

Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, Mitch Daniels, John Boehner, Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, even Rick Perry & Marco Rubio have been mentioned.

And yes, I'm sure half-a-dozen of you are upset that I left out your choice for the 2012 election. I'm sorry, OK? How was I to know we would be facing all this chaos?

But I digress. This, being a rare post for me, is about why I think Virginia AG Ken Cuccinelli is easily the most qualified potential candidate for POTUS in 2012. Let's start a campaign. "KC & the Sunshine plan". Something like that. I don't do that sort of stuff, but maybe one of you can.

1st, lemme try to cover the other top candidates as briefly as possible. Let's start with Romney.

Romey's Dad was George Romney who is credited with attaining wealth from the auto industry, who subsequently put that into the Hotel industry. Glenn Beck likes him, had a nice story about him in 08, etc.

My take? Romney is a silver-spooner. It's not that he's a bad guy, but that experiment in Massachusetts with socialized health care puts him out to pasture.

Sarah Palin. Need I say more? I don't have a knock on her. I pulled the lever for her in 08. Nothing's changed here. My concern is that the extra-curricular stuff could be used to falsley portray her as some sort of zealot. Liberals are so jealous of her they can't see straight.

Pawlenty & Huckabee are too soft towards liberals. I see confusion, or lack of pure conviction, in both of them.

Boehner has made some boo-boos along the way, and at times appears to be easily confused. The crying thing I had no problem with, but potential voters might. His strength is his ability to endure. I'm impressed he's survived thru the Gingrich & Pelosi years to be Speaker now.

Which brings me to Newt. Ahhh, Newt. You broke our hearts when you supported Scozzafava. I'm sorry, but that fiasco exposed your desire to stay in the establishment fray. No way Newt-ay.

Rubio & Perry both need to be seen in action. Let's see what they're made of. Perry's been in for a little while, so far, so good.

What I know of Daniels makes him my 3rd choice.

Which brings me to the Virginia AG, Ken Cuccinelli. While all of the other potential candidates have seen action with mixed results, this individual has done something all of the others have yet to accomplish: he DEFEATED the Obama agenda, head on, IN HIS FIRST ATTEMPT.

What's the significance of this? Consider all of the lawsuits that have been brought to the Federal courts by various individuals in the last year or so and have failed & had to be appealed. Yes, I know we have hack judges in the system, yadda yadda yadda. But this also exemplifies the command of the Constitution by the various suing parties.

Go to YouTube & watch a few of Cuccinelli's press conferences, interviews, etc. I have yet to see an individual with the command of COTUS that Ken Cuccinelli has. Also, he is an authentic, classic, Ben Franklin libertarian. We, the glorious United States of America, need someone with instant command of COTUS to correct the horrific legal mess created by the current administration. I believe Ken Cuccinelli is the best Patriot for the job.

That's my case & I'm sticking to it (Someone make pins & T-shirts already).

Thursday, October 14, 2010

CHRYSLER: A Very Dirty Story

Sooner or later it will all come to light!

This could be a scandal of epic proportions and one that makes Nixon's Watergate or Clinton 's Monica Lewinsky affair pale by comparison.

Why was there neither rhyme nor reason as to which dealerships of the Chrysler Corporation were to be closed?

Roll the clock back to the weeks just before Chrysler declared bankruptcy. Chrysler, like GM, was in dire financial straits and federal government "graciously" offered to "buy the company" and keep them out of bankruptcy and "save jobs."

Chrysler was, in the words of Obama and his administration, "Too big to fail," same story with GM.

The feds organized their "Automotive Task Force" to fix Chrysler and GM. Obama, in an act that is 100% unconstitutional, appointed a guy named Steve Rattner to be the White House's official Car Czar - literally, that's what his title is.

Rattner is the liaison between Obama, Chrysler, and GM.

Initially, the national media reported that Chrysler 'had made this list of dealerships'. Not true!

The Washington Examiner, Newsmax, Fox News and a host of other news agencies discovered that the list of dealerships was put together by the "Automotive Task Force" headed by no one other than Mr. Steve Rattner.

Now the plot thickens.

Remember earlier we said that there was neither rhyme nor reason why certain dealerships were closed?

Actually there's a very interesting pattern as to who was closed down. Again, on May 27, 2009, The Washington Examiner and Newsmax exposed the connection.

Amazingly, of the 789 dealerships closed by the federal government, 788 had donated money, exclusively to Republican political causes, while contributing nothing to Democratic political causes. The only "Democratic" dealership on the list was found to have donated $7,700 to Hillary's campaign, and a bit over $2,000 to John Edwards. This same dealership, reportedly, also gave $200.00 to Obama's campaign.

Does that seem a little odd to you?

Steve Rattner is the guy who put the list together. Well, he happens to be married to a Maureen White. Maureen happens to be the former national finance chairman of the Democratic National Committee. As such, she has access to campaign donation records from everyone in the nation- Republican or Democrat. But of course, this is just a wacky "coincidence," we're certain.

Then comes another really wacky "coincidence."

On that list of dealerships being closed down, a weird thing happened in Arkansas , North Louisiana, and Southern Missouri .. It seems that Bill Clinton's former White House Chief of Staff, Mack McClarty, owns a chain of dealership in that region, partnered with a fellow by the name of Robert Johnson.

Johnson happens to be founder of Black Entertainment Television and was a huge Obama supporter and financier.

These guys own a half dozen Chrysler stores under the company title of RLJ-McClarty-Landers. Interestingly, none of their dealerships were ordered closed - not one! While all of their competing Chrysler/Dodge and Jeep dealership were!

Eight dealerships located near the dealerships owned by McClarty and Johnson were ordered shut down. Thus by pure luck, these two major Obama supporters now have virtual monopoly on Chrysler sales in their zone. Isn't that amazing?

Go look in The Washington Examiner, the story's there, and it's in a dozen or so other web-based news organizations; this isn't being made up.

Now if you thought Chrysler was owned by Fiat, you are mistaken. Under the federal court ruling, 65% of Chrysler is now owned by the federal government and the United Auto Workers union! Fiat owns 20%. The other 15% is still privately owned and presumably will be traded on the stock market.

Obama smiles and says he doesn't want to run the auto industry.

As horrifying as this is to comprehend, and being as how this used to be the United States of America, it would appear that the president has the power to destroy private businesses and eliminate upwards of 100,000 jobs just because they don't agree with his political agenda.

This is Nazi Germany stuff, and it's happening right here, right now, in our back yard.

There are voices in Washington demanding an explanation, but the "Automotive Task Force" has released no information to the public or to any of the senators demanding answers for what has been done.

Keep your ear to the ground for more on this story. If you've ever wanted to make a difference about anything in your life, get on the phone to your national senator or representative in the House and demand an investigation into this.

Benjamin Franklin had it right when he said, "All that's necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

Car Czar No More

An amazing thing happened as this story was going to press. Obama's Car Czar, Steve Rattner, resigned on July 13 and was promptly replaced by former steel workers union boss Ron Bloom.

According to CBS News, Rattner left "to return to private life and spend time with his family."

Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said, "I hope that he takes another opportunity to bring his unique skills to government service in the future."

By the way, Rattner is under investigation for a multi-million dollar pay-to-play investment bank scandal in New York ....


But, we're certain that had nothing to do with his resignation. And, according to several news sources out there, there are rumors he's being investigated for what could be pay-to-play scandal involving the closing of Chrysler and GM dealerships. Really?

Again, that couldn't have anything to with his resignation-that's ridiculous!

Like CBS said, this guy just wants to "spend more quality time with his family."

Obama has 32 personally appointed "czars" who answer to no one but him, all of whom are acting without any Constitutional authority. But hey, we're sure they all have "unique skills,"... as Tim Geithner likes to say!


Check it out at the following websites.....

This goes from beyond corruption in high places - to gross criminal actions on the part of our government!

I hope you will spread this far and wide, and hopefully the taxpaying public will demand some of that transparency we were promised...... followed by criminal prosecution of the perpetrators!

What a crooked government, we have!!!!!

Vote 'em all out... November, 2010!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Chapter 3 - The System of Rectangular Surveys

3-1. The extension of the rectangular system of public land surveys over the public domain in the United States has been in progress since 1785. Although few of the original surveys now being made cover extensive areas, all facets of the rectangular system occasionally come into use. For this reason, and to make clear the procedures which have been followed in surveying public lands, a complete discussion of the system is included in this manual. It will be seen that the underlying principle is to provide a simple and certain form of land identification and legal description of the public lands.


3-2. The law provides that (1) the public lands of the United States shall be divided by lines intersecting true north and south lines at right angles so as to form townships six miles square; (2) the townships shall be marked with progressive numbers from the beginning; (3) the townships shall be subdivided into 36 sections, each one mile square and containing 640 acres as nearly as may be; and (4) the sections shall be numbered, respectively, beginning with the number 1 in the northeast sections, and proceeding west and east alternately through the township with progressive numbers to and including 36 (R.S. 2395; 43 U.S.C. 751).

3-3. In accordance with the foregoing legal requirements, the public lands are surveyed under the method called the system of rectangular surveys, which embraces the following procedure:

(1) The establishment of independent initial points, each to serve as an origin for surveys to be extended in separated localities.

(2) The survey of principal meridians and base lines, originating at the initial points.

(3) The establishment of guide meridians initiated at base lines, and of standard parallels initiated at principal meridians, at intervals short enough to maintain a workable adherence to the legal definition of the primary unit, the township six miles square.

(4) The survey of township exteriors within the framework so established. Townships are numbered to the north or south commencing with number 1 at the base line, and with range numbers to the east or west beginning with number 1 at the principal meridian.

(5) The subdivision of the townships into 36 sections by running parallel lines through the township from south to north and from east to west at distances of one mile. The sections are numbered commencing with number 1 in the northeast section of the township, proceeding thence west to section 6, thence south to section 7, thence east to section 12, and so on, alternately, to number 36 in the southeast section.

3-4. By law, (1) the corners marked in public land surveys shall be established as the proper corners of sections, or of the subdivisions of the sections, which they were intended to designate, and (2) the boundary lines actually run and marked shall be and remain the proper boundary lines of the sections or subdivisions for which they were intended, and the lengths of these lines as returned shall be held as the true length thereof (R.S. 2396; 43 U.S.C. 752). The original corners must stand as the true corners they were intended to represent, even though not exactly where professional care might have placed them in the first instance. Missing corners must be reestablished in the identical positions they originally occupied. When the positions cannot be determined by existing monuments or other verifying evidence, resort must be had to the field notes of the original survey. The law provides that the lengths of the lines, as returned in the field notes, shall be held as the true lengths, and the distances between identified corner positions given in the field notes constitute proper data from which to determine the position of a lost corner; hence the rule that lost corners are restored at distances proportionate to the original measurements between identified positions. (chapter V, Restoration of Lost Corners.)

3-5. In the sections that follow, the first explanations are with respect to ideal procedure in the rectangular plan. The plan must be modified in various ways in order to begin new work where the initial and closing lines already established by prior survey do not qualify under the current specifications for rectangularity and closure but cannot now be changed because of the passing of titles based on them. The purpose is to avoid the incorporation of the discrepancies of the older lines in the running of new original surveys.


3-6. During the period since the organization of the system of rectangular surveys, numbered and locally named principal meridians and base lines have been established as listed in the accompanying table. These bases and meridians are shown on the large wall map of the United States published by the Bureau of Land Management, on a special map entitled "Principal Meridians and Base Lines Governing the United States Public Land Surveys" published by the Bureau, and on the various State maps and topographic maps published by the United States Geological Survey.

Meridians and Base Lines of the United States Rectangular Surveys

Initial Points
Meridian Adopted Governing surveys (wholly or in part) in States of Latitude
° ' "
° ' "
Black Hills 1878 South Dakota 43 59 44 104 03 16
Boise 1867 Idaho 43 22 21 116 23 35
Chickasaw 1833 Mississippi 35 01 58 89 14 47
Choctaw 1821 --do-- 31 52 32 90 14 41
Cimarron 1881 Oklahoma 36 30 05 103 00 07
Copper River 1905 Alaska 61 49 04 145 18 37
Fairbanks 1910 --do-- 64 51 50.048 147 38 25.949
Fifth Principal 1815 Arkansas, Iowa
North Dakota,
South Dakota
34 38 45 91 03 07
First Principal 1819 Ohio & Indiana 40 59 22 84 48 11
Fourth Principal 1815 Illinois 40 00 50 90 27 11
--do-- 1831 Minnesota, &
42 30 27 90 25 37
Gila and Salt River 1865 Arizona 33 22 38 112 18 19
Humboldt 1853 California 40 35 02 124 07 10
Huntsville 1807 Alabama &
34 59 27 86 34 16
Indian 1870 Oklahoma 34 29 32 97 14 49
Kateel River 1956 Alaska 65 26 16.374 158 45 31.014
Louisiana 1807 Louisiana 31 00 31 92 24 55
Michigan 1815 Michigan & Ohio 42 25 28 84 21 53
Mount Diablo 1851 California & Nevada 37 52 54 121 54 47
Navajo 1869 Arizona 35 44 56 108 31 59
New Mexico
1855 Colorado &
New Mexico
34 15 35 106 53 12
Principal 1867 Montana 45 47 13 111 39 33
Salt Lake 1855 Utah 40 46 11 111 53 27
San Bernardino 1852 California 34 07 13 116 55 48
Second Principal 1805 Illinois & Indiana 38 28 14 86 27 21
Seward 1911 Alaska 60 07 37 149 21 26
1855 Colorado,
Nebraska,S. Dakota,
40 00 07 97 22 08
St. Helena 1819 Louisiana 30 59 56 91 09 36
St. Stephens 1805 Alabama &
30 59 51 88 01 20
Tallahassee 1824 Florida &
30 26 03 84 16 38
Third Principal 1805 Illinois 38 28 27 89 08 54
Unitah 1875 Utah 40 25 59 109 56 06
Umiat 1956 Alaska 69 23 29.654 152 00 04.551
Ute 1880 Colorado 39 06 23 108 31 59
Washington 1803 Mississippi 30 59 56 91 09 36
Willamette 1851 Oregon & Washington 45 31 11 122 44 34
Wind River 1875 Wyoming 43 00 41 108 48 49

3-7. The rectangular system was initiated in the State of Ohio in 1785 from a point on the west boundary of Pennsylvania, on the north shore of the Ohio River, in longitude 80°32'20". The State boundary served as the first reference meridian. A number of other reference meridians and bases were employed in Ohio to govern particular areas for purposes of disposal. In its early stages the system was somewhat experimental, and Ohio may well be referred to as the proving ground for the present rectangular system of surveys. The rectangular surveys that have no initial point as an origin of township identification are listed in the following table.

Public Land Surveys Having No Initial Point as an Origin for Both Township and Range Numbers
Survey (and year commenced)
Townships numbered
Ranges numbered
Ohio River Survey 1785
North from Ohio River West from west
boundary of Pennsylvania
U.S. Military Survey 1797
North from south boundary of military grant West from west boundary of the Seven Ranges
West of the Great 1798
Miami (Ohio)
North from Great Miami River East from Ohio- Indiana boundary
Ohio River Base 1799
North from Ohio River From Ohio-Indiana boundary and its projection south
Scioto River Base 1799 (Ohio) North from Scioto River West from west boundary of Pennsylvania
Muskingrum River 1800 Survey(Ohio) 1 and 2 10
Between the Miamis 1802 , North of Symmes Purchase (Ohio) East from Great
Miami River
North from Ohio River (continuing numbers from
Symmes Purchase)
Twelve-Mile-Square 1805
Reserve (Ohio)
1, 2, 3, and 4 None


3-8. A principal meridian is intended to conform to the true meridian, extending north or south, or in both directions, from the initial point as conditions require. Regular quarter-section and section corners are established alternately at intervals of 40 chains, and regular township corners at intervals of 480 chains. Corners designated as meander corners are established at the intersection of the line with meanderable bodies of water.

3-9. In the survey of the principal meridian and other standard lines (base lines, standard parallels, and guide meridians), two independent sets of measurements are made, but only the mean of the two measurements is shown in the final field notes. Double measurement may be omitted if subdivisional closings are provided in the same assignment with the standard line, in which case the closings furnish a verification of the length.

Should the difference between the two sets of measurements of a standard line exceed 7 links per 80 chains, the line is remeasured to reduce the difference. Should independent tests of the alinement of a standard line indicate that the line has deflected more than 3 minutes from the true cardinal course, the line must be rerun. These are the maximum discrepancies allowable in new surveys.


3-10. The base line is extended east and west from the initial point on a true parallel of latitude. Standard quarter-section and section corners are established alternately at intervals of 40 chains and standard township corners at intervals of 480 chains. Meander corners are established where the line intersects meanderable bodies of water.

3-11. The manner of making the measurement of the base line and the accuracy of alinement and measurement are the same as required in the survey of the principal meridian. The determination of the alinement of the true latitude curve may be made by the solar method, the tangent method, or the secant method as conditions require. The detailed process is described in the field notes.


3-12. Standard parallels, which are also called correction lines, are extended east and west from the principal meridian, at intervals of 24 miles north and south of the base line, in the manner prescribed for the survey of the base line.

3-13. Where standard parallels previously have been placed at intervals of 30 or 36 miles, and present conditions require additional standard lines, an intermediate correction line is established to which a local name may be given, such as "Fifth Auxiliary Standard Parallel North," or "Cedar Creek Correction Line," run, in all respects, like a regular standard parallel.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Dem truth IS Socialist fiction (part 2)

I want to add to my previous post, to enlighten my readers further as to this Government's mindset and why I've come to these conclusions on "health care" versus what this new law actually leads to.

Lemme take you back to the deal big Pharma made with Obama. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, Left & Right, was up in arms about it. As we've seen with POTUS before, every deal any entity has done with Obama has yielded the same results: Obama sets them up to take the fall for some crisis he creates. I believe Pharma is being set-up too. Turn those who can't pay Obama's unreasonable taxes into human lab rats to pay it back (or worse yet, use their family members), then blame Pharma as the evil corporate GOP donor that got away with profitting off the backs of the destitute!

Let's consider for a moment that POTUS wants illegals given amnesty. Who are these illegals? Most don't care about America, are simply sending money back to their families in Central America. Obama just signed a new EO (or law?) imposing taxes on money invested abroad.

Who in America sends untaxed money abroad? ILLEGALS of course! If you legalize them all, they have to join unions, pay union dues, and oh yeah! Sending money to your starving kid in Mexico? Good luck trying! POTUS just legalized you! Now get your RFID surgically implanted and pay up! Trying to escape? No way José!!!! Obama will TRACK YOU DOWN!

RFID serves another purpose: anyone that thinks about leaving America won't want to come back. Anyone entering the country will have to be tagged. If it's not law now, it will be soon. Obama is trying to turn America into one gigantic gulag for his to abuse.

Illegals are getting set up. After Obama legalizes them, he will tax them into complete poverty, to the point they can't even afford to return to their home country!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Democrat truth is stranger than Socialist fiction

There's far more that will be disclosed about the supposed "health care" legislation that's been passed by Washington DC the last few weeks, but there is substantial that has already been revealed from which we can make some educated conclusions that are readily apparent to anyone that has studied history & enlightening futuristic social fiction literature, and further, goes right to the heart of human depravity on the radical left, and the fascist-elitists that influence our Government.

Firstly, we have a situation here where Washington DC, with these new medical laws, has essentially hijacked the medical industry in America.  Initially, I was on board with the thought that DC actually thinks they own us, which they do think to some degree, but right now, we're useful for them to achieve their goals. We still have assets from which to confiscate, and we can be distracted to keep everyone's eye off the proverbial ball.

Now for the specifics.

There is this jaw-dropping portion of the Reconciliation law, HR 4872 ( ), which makes microchip implantation into people (and I stress 'people', not citizens) that get medical attention mandatory. I began to wonder just how brazen this kind of legislation is. Americans simply will not accept this, I thought. Washington can't be that confrontational with us yet, can they? We've won popular opinion, they know we have, but yet they did it anyway. It's contradictory to their nature. So, why else would they do it?

Let's consider for a moment their methods, their psyche, and their belief-less existence. There is a purpose for passing this legislation in this manner, and it's NOT meant for us, at least, not right now. History teaches us that human tagging is a way to devalue human life. The radical left and fascist-elitists share one thing in common: GREED. Radicals and Fascists both put a price tag on human life. In their minds, taxpayers are slightly more valuable "cattle". Confronting taxpayers directly with immorality is costly, however, using taxpayers to create distractions is useful to their primitive and depraved goals.

The last few decades has seen several wars that have put America in a position to defend human & national dignities abroad. Almost 25 years ago, President Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to a portion of those immigrants that were here at the time. Consider also, that drug manufacturers and animal rights activists (i.e. radicals, home grown marxists) have been suspected on more than many occasions of colluding to bring about undisclosed goals. These, & many related issues, I believe, go to the core of radical marxist and fascist "moral equivalence" on our soil.

So what is the goal of these fascists and marxists? The illegal immigrant situation has been quite contentious for many years now. They've put a substantial strain on our social systems, primarily medical care. The response to this problem, for the immoral, is "use illegals to pay back what they've taken!"  This thought makes Christians their biggest roadblock. Naturally, Christians will be the first to spot this inhumanity, they must be silenced. Catholicism being the largest, this institution was infiltrated first. Also, Catholics provide the most worldwide aid, including illegals.

The next group to spot this, that won't accept this indignity, is the everyday American Patriot. We are a nation of laws. Patriots just want the rule of law. Marxists think illegals pollute the earth. Fascists think illegals serve a financial purpose. The moral equivalence argument in their warped minds is that the greatest conservative President is at fault for having to make these "tough" choices. Heck, Bush? he killed thousands of foreigners with his unjust wars!

George Soros & others of his ilk, who already see human life with a price tag, is influencing this as well. There is no doubt that some of his behavior is payback, and some is Fascist profiteering. The moral equivalence factor against America is definitely in play here. He intends to damage America's credibility forever, using Washington DC to help him along. Also, people like Pelosi blame illegals for breaking California. Time to get some return.

OK, onto the RFID. Washington elites know America will resist the direct effort to tag. They will scream injustice. This will deflect from their real target: illegal immigrants. Remember this video 6 months ago?

Fascinating how all these things set in motion. This video evidences how
the RFID tags were supposed to go into effect after health care was
passed. Guard exercises? 6 months ago? The health laws were
supposed to have been enacted by then.

This video shows us the CDC was planning something as far back as
2000. This has been in the planning stages for some time now. The
Government is definitely hiding something, but I'm suspecting more and
more that either researchers have already broken laws, or that something
big is being planned. If current laws were already broken, then new laws
to insulate the perpetrators needs to be in effect. If they plan to use people
now, then payoffs have occurred to make this possible.

In a hurry to get illegal immigration on the board? Well, isn't that
convenient. More cattle from which to choose! Let's not forget the
expectation that Mexico is about to collapse. FEMA caskets? It seems like
many dead bodies are expected. Who are we going to war with? Mexico?
Gee, who would be most angry at the profiting of illegal immigrants from
medical experimentation?

Which now brings us to the Health Army component. Detaining millions
of illegals will create a civil incident. This Health Army will bring to bear
the full force of the executive branch onto society. Think Elian Gonzalez
on a massive scale. Don't get in the way. They will do what they want with
the illegals and no one will stop them. "Crying human rights violations?
You should've thought of that when you elected Republicans, you

Oh yeah! Let's not forget Cass Sunstein, who values animal rights over
basic human dignity. His purpose? To replace animal testing with human
testing, namely, illegal immigrants. That's the purpose of the Health Army
and the RFIDs, to "bag-n-tag." Someone very high up the Government
ladder long ago has come to the conclusion that illegal immigrants are the
imminent National Security threat.

America will be permanently stained internationally. Pray this sinister plan

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Washington, be careful what you wish for

All of the talk regarding health care and the bills that were recently passed has been that Washington wants control of it. Yes, it's true, but there is also the part that we forget, and that is how we savvy Americans may wind up adapting to this. I had a firestorm of thoughts regarding my last post that I'd like to share.

This health care bill is about control, not health care. Well, it's also NOT about other businesses that provide other services and/or goods. almost a year ago, my family and I walked into the local Wal-Mart and found the place had been turned upside-down. They had sectored off the middle of the store so no one could see what was going on inside.

Several weeks later, all was exposed. A huge pharmacy was revealed. The place is practically 1/4 waiting room. "How odd!" I thought. Many other related corporations in the area have also provided a small medical facility for walk-in medical care. This is the future of medical care. The fact is, many medical services have found ways around the high cost of insurance already. Many private, affordable walk-in clinics are already in place.

So what does this health care law do to the newer private clinics? It's going to substantially increase their patient lists! those 50 and under already find Doctor's offices that take Medicare/Medicaid a cumbersome experience. Here is what no one talking about. We've already begun to adapt to the Government intrusions and don't know it yet.

What are Democrat legislators after all, but prostitutes for their votes? How many lobbyists gamed the health care law along with campaign money for the company's benefit? What's in the law may potentially benefit both Doctors AND larger corporations, AND hurt Democrats in the process. Why? BECAUSE THEY TOOK MONEY AND DIDN'T READ THE BILL!!! The retail & medical industry are already merging to save costs for themselves. It's only a matter of time before non-retail/non-medical industries begin to figure this out.

Let's think about what a Doctor's office entails. The space, the equipment, the staff, the insurance, the salaries, the paperwork. All time consuming, all expensive. What's the difference at a larger corporation, other than the medical angle? This law will force Doctors into owning other types of businesses for income. Wal-Mart will give the Doctor stock in the company, along with a salary for his medical services, and provide a hybrid staff with the pharmacist/other. Guess what? Wal-Mart can provide their own insurance too! Voila! problem solved! Feds say "you can't pay the Doctor that much." Corporate says "Fine, we'll give him more stock, buy a car & yacht for corporate purposes, and lower his salary." In the process, Doctors WILL GET WEALTHIER as stockholders in another industry!

The Feds want to control what the Doctor OWNS the health care law says? Fine! Let the corporation own it, and the Doctor as stockholder can use it! A hundred ways to skin a cat. Large retail chains will come to arrangements with insurance companies to get around some of these ridiculous laws. The desire to overcome the poison that this law is could potentially force us to build stronger private community ties.

There simply is too much medical need that is being addressed in America that is already substantially cheaper than what the Government can possibly control. Large corporations can buffer Doctors by masking medical needs with pharmacy and other needs, and a quiet campaign contribution (yes, it stinks I know) will make them go away.

Anyways, as the reading of this law unfolds, some of this may have to be modified, but I think you catch my drift here.


My better half, an experienced facilities manager, is very savvy at making situations work for large groups of peolple. She brainstormed this whole health care legislation, and came up with the following results. Please feel free to post responses, as we would like further input. When I read it, I immediately began to think about those corporations like Wal-Mart, et al, that have large pharmacies. Some have staffed nurses.

It also made me wonder: is this why some of these corporations seem to be indifferent to health care legislation passage? Our local Wal-Mart has ALREADY prepared to offer health services for walk-ins, 6+ months ago. Worker's Compensation, legal counsel costs can be substantially reduced as well. These companies already have staffed lawyers! Anyways, here's her thought:

My first sense of this HealthCare debacle is what if?? What if we don’t win in court against its unconstitutionality?  What if we don’t elect enough Congress seats to overturn and appeal it? What if we don’t have the majority in Congress to defund it?  Like I said that’s my first sense.  My second sense kicks in and tells me that it’s time to think about the loopholes in the bill and how to circumvent this ridiculous piece of legislation. I haven’t had an opportunity to read the entire bill, but I don’t think Liberal Congress did either. They spent their entire time pushing it and not comprehending it. Yes, lawyers poured through it.  Probably only on the legalities that opposition could bring forth.

I think about the big companies. Those that will lose the most. Those that will have to pay Millions in penalties and/or healthcare to fund this bill.  The scare that we will lose the companies that we have here that are still hanging on. All the people they will have to lay off in order to stay in business.  I expect many will be thinking outside the box on this.

 Then it comes to me. These large companies should bypass the mandate all together.  They are large enough that they could provide a doctor in their facility on call during working hours for their employees. I have seen this work first hand wherein large companies provided on site daycare for their employees.  Legislation states that they need to comply that they are providing healthcare for their employees.  Well no one says (at least I haven’t seen it) that they can’t provide their own healthcare. Rather than paying enormous insurance premiums and Million $ penalties it would make sense to me as a cost saving alternative. Staff a doctor, Staff a nurse, utilize some space in your facility for in house health care. Many basic services that you and I get regularly from our doctor could be provided here. Regular checkups, physicals, diagnostics.  Think of the possibilities.  As an employer I would rather pay a Doctor $200K a year and a nurse 50K a year than pay penalties or insurance.  Rather create your own type of healthcare. Something new. It could be done!!!  Set up a full diagnostic center. You can write off the staffing of the health clinic just as you would any employee.

The equipment ordered although expensive can be depreciated.  Blood Testing, Mammograms, X-rays, Well Woman visits, even children’s vaccinations and school physicals could all be offered to the employees and their families. I think this could only be viewed as a win win situation.  Productivity would be increased because employees are not taking off of work for doctor visits. They merely could go to the clinic for treatments. Companies could probably reduce the number of sick days they allot employees because they can now use the facility.  I know! I used to have to take personal and sick days just for annual doctor appointments.  I would guess about 80% of all doctor visits could be handled through this clinic. Of course the company would need to provide hospitalization for procedures and emergencies but that would be much less than providing a full package.

 I would think a company would rather take all the deductions themselves, offer their employees the opportunity of not missing work and avoid paying any penalties to the government.  Yes the possibility of a lawsuit always exists. But the cost of malpractice insurance can still be factored in well under the 1M$ mark for the first year.  My doctor has a sign out front before you enter that he does not have malpractice insurance. Maybe this would be something for them to explore.

Now many of you are saying that this allows the government to win and we are feeding the fascist movement.  Believe me you are doing the exact opposite. This health care legislation has never been about health insurance. This has been about government control and taking what they can from big business.  They are licking their chops at all the revenue they will be taking in from businesses. How many Caterpillar’s and Verizon’s are out there??? Many of them and many millions of money to come from them right into the coffers of the government. Better to beat them at their own game. Allow the company to offer a service, keep their employees at work, keep their employee moral up and keep their employees working than to fund government health care for everyone who is not.

Friday, March 26, 2010

A Fascist yardstick

The "Dow Jones Industrial Average" is known historically in grassroots America as "Wall Street", the epitome of capitalism in the world. Lately, though, it seems like this apparent measure of progress seems to be as easy to game as a postal weigh scale. How can that be?

Well, let's go to the time machine, shall we (waiting to be served court appearance by Dr. Who's lawyers any day now)? When the market "crashed" back in '07-'08, it was difficult to fathom. The era of bountiful growth seemed impossible to end. This is where things get dicey.

What I gathered from all my observations at the time and soon after is that Congress, large corporations were artificially inflating the market by using Fannie/Freddie to back unsustainable B type loans, thus a type of "cook-the-books" mentality took effect. The fact is, Enron/Global Crossing/Madoff type arrangements on a much larger scale were being accomplished by Banking Committee members & the largest corporations. What occurred is that the upper crust of the wealthy had pulled their holdings almost at once, Bilderberger style, so that Fascists could use the opportunity to blame President Bush, and setup the free market for bad bailouts.

The fact is, most of America's large corporations are 2-5 generations past the pioneers that started them. Who runs those corporations now? The butt kissers and brown nosers of those pioneers that are now retired or deceased. Most of today's CEOs make a living brown nosing the Federal Government, not profitting.

These CEOs wouldn't know profit if it sat in their lap and called them mommy! They're all Ivy League dufuses that have been successfully indoctrinated into the Keynes school of economics. Competition? Not on their watch! Why, they bend over for Congress all the time! Far easier to use the Government to bend over your competition than to COMPETE, right?

Healthy competition doesn't feel good at first, but it's necessary for human enrichment. "I'll build a better car than you" is healthy. "I'll falsely accuse the other automaker to make the Feds punish them" is, well, Fascist, if it's done by CEOs that interact with high level politicians on a regular basis.

So what's the result of all this? There's no question that Dow Jones is being utilized by Federal-brown-nosing CEOs in the upper crust to squash their up-and-coming competition. They want to permanently stamp out competition and continue to sell us inferior, overseas goods and services, and the only way to do that is to let the Government abuse the country.

In the meantime, while the Government destroys the American capitalist system, these stupid Fascist sympathizing idiot CEOs will continue to game the DJIA (and the oil markets - let's not go there) to futher their warped concept of "competition". They don't know any other way to do it, never have. Their nose isn't warm and comfy unless they've got it stuck up some huge politician's ass.

The Dow Jones in 2008 should have officially renamed itself to the "Keynes Mussolini Industrial Average". This would be substantially more accurate. The DJIA is so rigged right now that I doubt it will ever crash again. This current arrangement is ready-made to provide the mainstream media their daily vomit.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

My Father would have been proud!

My Dad was a freedom fighter. Born in Bogota, He came to the US from Colombia, a nation that had undergone a brutal civil war in the 50's, once divorced, twice married, 4 kids (I'm a 2nd marriage offspring) and 76 years later, he passed quietly in 1999. He was a very opinionated small man, his presence made him feel to us like he was 10 feet tall. Even upon his death, a hurricane passed thru the region the night before he passed on. I still think to this day he bartered with God, to make his exit from this Earth that much louder!

My father loved cars. He owned over 300 different cars in his life. He was a racer in Miami back in the 60's, and drove a Datsun on the track. I didn't share the same love of autos he did as a kid (growing up in Miami and the Dolphins being the big game in town saw to that), but today's circumstances have changed my perspective entirely. My father's memory seems to be everywhere, It feels like he's still here!

I'm still a football fan, but the NFL has become a propaganda tool the last few years, unfortunately. While my football following was active after my father passed on (God bless his soul), I had a friend introduce me to INDYCAR in 2000. That same year on Memorial Day was an INDY 500 party. "Whoa! Who is this rookie? Juan Pablo Montoya? from Bogotá, Colombia? leads 167 of 200 laps? Wins the INDY 500?" Memories, reminiscing about my father, who had passed on just 7 months earlier, took hold. I followed "JPM" as he's affectionately known in the States, all the way through his INDYCAR career, then thru Formula 1 in Europe, and now in NASCAR, though I had become a light NASCAR fan as far back as 2000.

My Dad loved his time with me. Today, I do the same with my 3 year old son, a big, heathy, handsome-looking, smart boy. When I say big, I mean BIG! John Wayne kinda big! My Dad would've kidnapped his grandson if he was living today! A big, tough guy with Grandpa's looks in the family? The uncles will be green with envy. Oh, and his twin sister? A total Diva! Both have Grandpa's eyes too! What a braggart my Dad must be in the clouds of heaven!

The World's current circumstances reminded me of many stories my Dad told me of. "La epoca de la violencia" in Colombia left many civilians fighting for their lives, police forces fighting military forces. As America enters its "epoca" of apparent tyranny, I see this great article by Daniel Hannan, MEP from Great Britain, about Colombia:

In a few weeks’ time, Álvaro Uribe will return to his hacienda, as Cincinnatus to his plough. The most popular leader in the Western world will defy the clamour of his people, who had wanted, by a large majority, to amend the constitution so as to allow him to serve a third term. Uribe has completed the task he set himself. Colombia is more or less at peace. The narco-terrorists are broken, the paramilitaries of Left and Right in prison, the writ of the legitimate government in force across almost the whole of the national territory. Colombia has come through the economic crisis better than most, and her external foes have been repulsed.

Now ask yourself this. Can you see Hugo Chávez respecting the constitution and standing down? (It was reported today that the comandante has somehow contrived to create an energy shortage – in Venezuela!) Can you envisage Fidel Castro relinquishing power voluntarily? Can you be entirely certain that Evo Morales and Rafael Correa will cheerfully step aside when their time comes? Why is it, then, that MEPs have chosen to turn their criticisms against a leader who has respected the spirit of his constitution, strengthened liberal democracy in his country and arguably achieved more than any South American leader since Simón Bolívar?

Long-standing readers might recall that I met Uribe in Bogotá two years ago (before going on to meet a surprisingly agreeable former terrorist who is now in the democratic Leftist opposition). I was immensely impressed by the diminutive president, but cautioned him against accepting the additional term which his countrymen were pressing on him. When a leader thinks he is bigger than his national constitution, I argued, autocracy often follows. Uribe has shown himself to be a better man, not just than the neighbouring caudillos, but than the hypocrites on the European Left who somehow never get around to criticising socialist strongmen.

¡Viva Colombia!

My Dad is still with me, I'm sure of it!


Section 203 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 204) is amended to read as follows:
(1) IN GENERAL.—There shall be in the Service a commissioned Regular Corps and a Ready Reserve Corps for service in time of national emergency.
(2) REQUIREMENT.—All commissioned officers shall be citizens of the United States and shall be appointed without regard to the civil-service laws and compensated without regard to the Classification Act of 1923, as amended.
(3) APPOINTMENT.—Commissioned officers of the Ready Reserve Corps shall be appointed by the President and commissioned officers of the Regular Corps shall be appointed by the President with the advice and consent of the Senate.
(4) ACTIVE DUTY.—Commissioned officers of the Ready Reserve Corps shall at all times be subject to call to active duty by the Surgeon General, including active duty for the purpose of training.
(5) WARRANT OFFICERS.—Warrant officers may be appointed to the Service for the purpose of providing support to the health and delivery systems maintained by the Service and any warrant officer appointed to the Service shall be considered for purposes of this Act and title 37, United States Code, to be a commissioned officer within the Commissioned Corps of the Service.
(b) ASSIMILATING RESERVE CORP OFFICERS INTO THE REGULAR CORPS.—Effective on the date of enactment of the Affordable Health Choices Act, all individuals classified as officers in the Reserve Corps under this section (as such section existed on the day before the date of enactment of such Act) and serving on active duty shall be deemed to be commissioned officers of the Regular Corps.
(1) PURPOSE.—The purpose of the Ready Reserve Corps is to fulfill the need to have additional Commissioned Corps personnel available on short notice (similar to the uniformed service’s reserve program) to assist regular Commissioned Corps personnel to meet both routine public health and emergency response missions.
(2) USES.—The Ready Reserve Corps shall—
(A) participate in routine training to meet the general and specific needs of the Commissioned Corps;
(B) be available and ready for involuntary calls to active duty during national emergencies and public health crises, similar to the uniformed service reserve personnel;
(C) be available for backfilling critical positions left vacant during deployment of active duty Commissioned Corps members, as well as for deployment to respond to public health emergencies, both foreign and domestic; and
(D) be available for service assignment in isolated, hardship, and medically underserved communities (as defined in section 399SS) to improve access to health services.
(d) FUNDING.—For the purpose of carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the Commissioned Corps under this section, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as may be necessary to the Office of the Surgeon General for each of fiscal years 2010 through 2014. Funds appropriated under this subsection shall be used for recruitment and training of Commissioned Corps Officers.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Our NEW Doctor-patient mandates

 An  Indianapolis doctor's letter to Sen. Bayh about  the Bill (Note: Dr. Stephen E. Frazer, MD practices as an  anesthesiologist in Indianapolis, IN)   Here is a  letter I sent to Senator Bayh.. Feel free to  copy it and send it around to all other  representatives. -- Stephen  Fraser

Senator  Bayh,

As a practicing  physician I have major concerns with the health  care bill before Congress. I actually have read  the bill and am shocked by the brazenness of the  government's proposed involvement in the  patient-physician relationship. The very idea  that the government will dictate and ration  patient care is dangerous and certainly not  helpful in designing a health care system that  works for all. Every physician I work with  agrees that we need to fix our health care  system, but the proposed bills currently making  their way through congress will be a disaster if  passed.

I ask you  respectfully and as a patriotic American to look  at the following troubling lines that I have  read in the bill. You cannot possibly believe  that these proposals are in the best interests  of the country and our fellow  citizens.

Page 22  of the HC Bill:  Mandates that the Govt  will audit books of all employers that  self-insure!!

Page 30 Sec 123  of HC bill:   THERE WILL BE A GOVT  COMMITTEE that decides what treatments/benefits  you get.

Page 29 lines 4-16 in  the HC bill: YOUR HEALTH CARE IS  RATIONED!!!

Page 42 of HC  Bill:  The Health Choices Commissioner  will choose your HC benefits for you. You have  no choice!

Page 50 Section 152  in HC bill: HC will be provided to ALL  non-US citizens, illegal or  otherwise.            

Page  58 HC Bill:  Govt will have real-time  access to individuals' finances & a  'National ID Health card' will be  issued! 
(Papers  please!)

Page  59 HC Bill lines 21-24:  Govt will have  direct access to your bank accounts for elective  funds transfer. 
(Time  for more cash and carry)

Page 65  Sec 164: Is a payoff subsidized plan for  retirees and their families in unions &  community organizations:  (ACORN).

Page 84 Sec 203 HC  bill: Govt mandates ALL benefit packages  for private HC plans in the  'Exchange.'

Page 85 Line  7 HC Bill:  Specifications of Benefit  Levels for Plans -- The Govt  will ration your health  care!

Page 91 Lines 4-7  HC Bill: Govt mandates linguistic  appropriate services.  (Translation:  illegal aliens.)

Page 95  HC Bill Lines 8-18: The Govt will use  groups (i.e. ACORN & Americorps to sign up  individuals for Govt HC  plan.

Page 85 Line 7 HC  Bill: Specifications of Benefit Levels  for Plans. (AARP members - your health care WILL  be rationed!)

Page 102  Lines 12-18 HC Bill:  Medicaid eligible  individuals will be automatically enrolled in  Medicaid.  (No choice.)

Page 124 lines 24-25 HC: No company can sue  GOVT on price fixing. No "judicial review"  against Govt monopoly.

Page 127  Lines 1-16 HC Bill: Doctors/ American  Medical Association - The Govt will tell YOU  what salary you can make.

Page 145 Line 15-17: An Employer MUST  auto-enroll employees into public option  plan. (NO choice!)

Page 126 Lines 22-25: Employers MUST pay for  HC for part-time employees ANDtheir  families.  (Employees shouldn't get excited  about this as employers will be forced to reduce  its work force, benefits, and wages/salaries to  cover such a huge  expense.)

Page 149 Lines  16-24: ANY Employer with payroll 401k  & above who does not provide public option  will pay 8% tax on all payroll!  (See the  last comment in  parenthesis.)

Page 150  Lines 9-13: A business with payroll  between $251K & $401K who doesn't provide  public option will pay 2-6% tax on all  payroll.

Page 167 Lines  18-23: ANY individual who doesn't have  acceptable HC according to Govt will be taxed  2.5% of income.

Page 170 Lines  1-3 HC Bill: Any NONRESIDENT Alien is  exempt from individual taxes.  (Americans will pay.) 
(Like  always)

Page  195 HC Bill: Officers & employees of  the GOVT HC Admin..  will have access  to ALL Americans' finances and  personal records. 
(I guess  so they can 'deduct' their  fees)

Page 203 Line 14-15 HC: "The tax imposed under  this section shall not be treated as tax."   (Yes, it really says  that!) ( a  'fee' instead) 

Page 239 Line 14-24 HC Bill: Govt will reduce  physician services for Medicaid Seniors.   (Low-income and the poor are  affected.)

Page 241 Line 6-8 HC Bill: Doctors: It doesn't  matter what specialty you have trained yourself  in -- you will all be paid the same! (Just TRY  to tell me that's not  Socialism!)

Page 253 Line 10-18: The Govt sets the value of a  doctor's time, profession, judgment, etc.   (Literally-- the value of  humans.)

Page 265 Sec 1131: The Govt mandates and controls productivity for  "private" HC industries.

Page  268 Sec 1141: The federal Govt regulates the  rental and purchase of power driven  wheelchairs.

Page 272 Sec. 1145: TREATMENT OF CERTAIN CANCER HOSPITALS -  Cancer patients - welcome to rationing!

Page 280 Sec 1151: The Govt will penalize hospitals for whatever  the Govt deems preventable  (

Page 298 Lines  9-11: Doctors: If you treat a patient during  initial admission that results in a re-admission  -- the Govt will penalize  you.

Page 317 L 13-20:  PROHIBITION on ownership/investment. (The Govt  tells doctors what and how much they can own!)

Page 317-318 lines 21-25, 1-3: PROHIBITION on expansion.  (The  Govt is mandating that hospitals cannot  expand.)

Page 321 lines 2-13: Hospitals have the opportunity to apply  for exception BUT community input is required. (Can you say  ACORN?)

Page 335 L 16-25 Pg  336-339: The Govt mandates establishment of=2  outcome-based measures. (HC the way they want --  rationing.)

Page 341 Lines 3-9: The Govt has authority to disqualify  Medicare Advance Plans, HMOs, etc.   (Forcing people into the Govt  plan)

Page 354 Sec 1177: The  Govt will RESTRICT enrollment of 'special needs  people!'    Unbelievable!

Page 379 Sec 1191: The Govt creates more bureaucracy  via a "Tele-Health Advisory Committee."   (Can you say HC by  phone?)

Page 425 Lines 4-12:  The Govt mandates "Advance-Care Planning  Consult."  (Think senior citizens  end-of-life patients.)

Page 425 Lines 17-19: The Govt will instruct and consult regarding living wills, durable powers  of attorney, etc.  (And it's mandatory!)

Page 425 Lines 22-25, 426 Lines 1-3: The Govt provides an "approved" list of end-of-life resources; guiding you in death. (Also called 'assisted  suicide.')(Sounds  like Soylent Green to  me.)

Page 427 Lines 15-24: The Govt mandates a program for orders on "end-of-life." (The Govt has a say in how your life  ends!)

Page 429 Lines 1-9: An  "advanced-care planning consultant" will be used frequently as a patient's health  deteriorates.

Page 429 Lines  10-12: An "advanced care consultation" may  include an ORDER for end-of-life plans.. (AN ORDER TO DIE FROM THE  GOVERNMENT?!?)

Page 429 Lines 13-25: The GOVT will specify which doctors  can write an end-of-life order..  (I  wouldn't want to stand before God after getting  paid for THAT job!) 

Page 430 Lines 11-15: The Govt will decide what level of  treatment you will have at end-of-life!   (Again -- no  choice!)

Page 469: Community-Based Home Medical Services =  Non-Profit Organizations.  (Hello?   ACORN Medical Services  here!?!)

Page 489 Sec 1308:  The Govt will cover marriage and family therapy.   (Which means Govt will insert itself into  your marriage even.)

Page  494-498: Govt will cover Mental Health Services  including defining, creating, and rationing  those services.

Senator,  I guarantee that I personally will do everything  possible to inform patients and my fellow  physicians about the dangers of the proposed  bills you and your colleagues are  debating.

Furthermore,  if you vote for a bill that enforces socialized  medicine on the country and destroys the  doctor-patient relationship, I will  do 
everything in my power to  make sure you lose your job in the next  election.


Stephen  E. Fraser, MD

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Constitutional Convention

Dear Congressman ____,

I'm writing to tell you that I'm extremely concerned about the ever-increasing crisis of corruption and incompetence going on in our Federal Government. The consequences of this recent insurance industry takeover bill disguised as a health care bill will surely be economically catastrophic to our area, our State, and the Nation.

As I write this to you, I've already studied our very limited options for changes to prevent Washington's intentional crisis through recently historically traditional means. Gratefully, Attorney General McCollum has filed suit against the Federal Government for outrageously, incompetently, and corruptly passing this poison legislation. Should this suit fail, it becomes time for decent, responsible citizens & representatives to seek another method for nipping this White House and Congress in the proverbial bud:

A Constitutional Convention

As outlined in the U.S. Constitution, Article V (method #2) states: “On the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments”

I am coming to the conclusion that should the AG lawsuit fail, we must prepare to call a Convention IMMEDIATELY. This President and Congress and their corrupt methods must be stopped before they destroy our nation.

Thank you for listening

Making sense of the political rubble

As I sat back this weekend and confidently watched my NASCAR Sprint Cup Bristol race, I was confident I had accurately analyzed the political outcome for the insurance industry takeover legislation, also known as "health care reform". No need to be too concerned, right?

After the race, I was thrilled to learn "demonpass" had died, knowing that Democrats didn't have the support they wanted in committee. Confidence builder. Right, right. What occurred the remaining 6 hours of the evening was a spectacle of deviance unfolding right before my very eyes.

The Senate bill was to be voted on that night the media reported. "What?" I thought. Shock came over me. Afterwards, media begins reporting President Obama stepped in and "made a deal" with Bart Stupak (D-MI) to get his vote on the insurance industry takeover bill. My wife was scrambling to make sense of what she was witnessing.

Through all of this, I did manage to hear snippets of reports that SEIU and immigration reform protesters were forming around tea party protesters at the Capitol (Love you tea partiers. God Bless you!) At the time, so much was going on, I couldn't make sense of it all. I was thinking fast and hard, but I got wore out before the night ended.

The result? A passed Senate bill made possible by the turncoat Democrat Stupak, whom we later found out never intended to vote NO in the first place, via a leaked year old video. A passed Medicare "Fix-it" bill, plus a Reconciliation bill to the Senate bill. What an amazing cluster-fuck.

My wife and I didn't want to believe what had occurred, and this led us all into mass confusion, but it was clear: everyone in America was being swindled. Just how this happened was best left to trusted radio heads that had staff to make sense of it all.

Monday morning. Coffee, coffee, radio. Let's start processing what occurred yesterday in Congress, being a Sunday during Lent, the Lord's day. Sobering. Reality? We got kicked in the teeth. Absorbing, emotional acceptance. This was a major political battle lost.

Despite that, ironically, just a few days earlier, I tweeted about Bunker Hill, a turning point in US revolutionary war history. To some extent, my political bloodhound was still validated. 34 Democrats, including Altmire (D-PA), a "Stupak 12er", voted with Republicans against the Senate bill. Total count? 219-212. A bill without committee review, making it a violation of House process. All the cheating Democrats did, still only resulted in 51.7% of the vote, less than Obama's election night victory.

My conclusion? No question, sneaky under-handedness won the vote, and the politics. The middle-class is now squarely in President Obama's sights. No surprise, I was aware of his dark upbringing, his motivations. Despite all this, Conservatives have a major moral victory here. Bunker Hill. The Tea Party shored up the opposition. The President had to cheat in order to eek out a win, and, proverbially speaking, you know what they say about cheaters!

As this week progresses, of note is the lawsuit ignited by Virginia AG Ken Cuccinelli (God Bless him!), who is agruing that "insurance industry takeover reform" is unconstitutional on the grounds that it violates the Commerce Clause, Article 1, Section 7. As I write, 11 States have joined in the lawsuit, including Florida, with AG Bill McCollum. No doubt, this is of concern to Speaker Pelosi, President Obama, and Senate Majority Leader Reid, as I don't think they have a clue what kind of illegal shit they wrote into these bills.

Since President Obama and Speaker Pelosi have no idea what kind of poison is in the legislation they just passed, they didn't gloat in front of the Capitol on Sunday. Why? Because the court challenge is unpredictable, like everything else radicals do, shit everywhere and expect the rest of us to follow them around with toilet paper. What will the President do about this? Why, send Rahm Emanuel out to round up the Obamites in thug protest, that's what! Generate a result thru primitive human intimidation tactics. Really disgusting.

Another observation I made is that Democrat "pundits" acknowledge that these bills are garbage, but to them, that's OK! Why? Because "something needs to be done about health care". The mindset is pass OUR SHIT now and let the rest of us wipe their ass later by fixing the destruction they legislated! Really? So destroy the American medical insurance industry for the liberal-warped perception of "morality"? George Costanza would blush! How two-faced and bitter of liberals!

The next aspect to this is the SEIU & immigration protesters. This part is indeed sobering. While the President was using naiive, selfish Democrats in the House who only wanted TV time for free campaigning, his real reason for forcing the insurance industry takeover vote became abundantly clear: to shore up countering "immigration protesters", who are nothing more than Chicago style thugs, more than likely set up by the very same people that set up the AIG exec protesters, to begin advancing immigration reform.

Why is immigration reform so important to the President, you ask? Because illegal immigrants are potentially the President's, and many other politicians (hello Lindsey Graham) only chance at re-election. The polls are in the tank for the Federal Government, and rightfully so. There's no chance those polls will improve, considering the state the country is in.

Anyways, this is a lot to process, but Conservatives and Patriots are in the trenches now, and as long as we march on, harder, stronger, smarter, as the months pass, the Founding Fathers (and Ronald Reagan) will be validated, I predict. Don't let up!

(I'll try to update this blog with links in the coming days)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

You got NUTHIN!!!

And I quote:

"You're here because you got nothin. You got nothin in court, you don't got the book keeper, you got nothing! Nothing! And if you were a man you would have done it now. You don't got a thing! You punk!" ~ Robert DeNiro, playing the part of Alphonse Capone, in "The Untouchables"

The thought that sticks in my head when I see the Obama wrangling on this nonsense. What's this all about? Well, I'm still seeing one big dog-n-pony show.

Now we have three messed up bills and three naked emperors running this circus. We did all this Stupak nonsense and he caved. What did Stupak do for Obama? He became bait, like everything else in this Soap Opera!

This thing was one big B-movie Hollywood production. The only reason Democrat leaders did any of this insanity was to sweeten the abortion deal to try to pick off some Republicans again! Even Obama's EXECUTIVE ORDER WAS DESIGNED TO BAIT REPUBLICANS.

Democrat leaders are even more panicked now than they were before! Why, they couldn't even get that po' lil' Vietnamese-blooded Republican to cave!

It's time for conservatives to start being a bit mobster like. No more Mr. nice guy with the leftist freaks. March on! So goes my NEXT quote:

"I HAVE NOT YET BEGUN TO FIGHT!" ~ U.S. Navy Captain John Paul Jones

When Democrats go fishing...

The Senate HCR bill is a FRAUD.

For the last 2 weeks, all we heard from the DC media was that "Pelosi has the votes" for Reconciliation and that "Demonpass" was a certainty. Today, all that changed. What a difference a day makes!

I watched the Obamapuppet show where Pelosi, Reid, Obama & Hoyer stood up at the podium and pleaded with House members to vote YES on Reconciliation. Most of it was liberal vomit, but a few moments of sincerety seeped out. What stood out the most was their sudden need for "bipartisanship".

For the last year, Democrats have railroaded America with poison legislation. Now that election season nears, they suddenly care to have GOPers on board? Really? What brought this on?

Let's go back in time, shall we? When "Stimu-less" and the "brown shirt bill" was brought up for vote, Democrats managed to pick off some prominent GOP members to vote against America. What this did for them was provide them COVER. The GOP can be blamed too!

Now let's fast forward to the original House vote on HCR. Only one obscure GOP vote was attained thru the process. The bill passed fully anchored by Democrats. Nobody to pin it on. It arrives on the Senate floor as a dead horse.

Fast forward to December. Democrat Senators, Reid, are already viewing Pelosi as a failure. They want no part of a partisan bill. "Let's instruct Pelosi on how we do things around here" Reid & other Senate Dems thought.

"Let's go fishing!" Reid, Senate Dems think. "Let's put a lil' bait on that hook n catch us some GOP!" How do they do it? Why, force citizens to buy crony capitalist insurance, that's how! "Some stupid GOPer will bite, right? Really? McCain? Graham? Snowe? Collins? No? Allrighty. It's Pelosi's problem anyways. We're not gonna saddle ourselves with it. Move it along! Send it back to the House!"

Fast forward to this past week or two. Pelosi can't get a single GOPer to cave, not one. "Dang it! All I need is a half a dozen crony capitalist GOPers!" What to do, what to do, hmm.... "I know! Let's parliament this pig! Then one of these dumbass GOPers will take the bait! Right? Really? No? SHIT! SOMEBODY FIND SLICK WILLIE!!!"......