Tuesday, January 25, 2011

GM sales in China don't make for a prosperous America

WOW! Great headline! GM almost outsells Toyota! Exciting! All those GM execs must be thrilled!

But wait! 2nd headline: GM sales in China outpace U.S. sales. And thus the GM good news train goes flying off the rails.

You might be thinking a pro-capitalist like me is being contradictory. But you'd be wrong. The devil is in the details.

Let's consider for a moment that Americans have been raging at corporations for exporting jobs overseas the last few decades, and I mean high profile jobs. Where have many of those jobs been going? You guessed it: CHINA!

While that's been going on, the unions have been actively preventing, thru political and social muscle, the right for the average American of obtaining employment free of hardship obligations external to his or her employer. Unions want to make the establishment of a job a PRIVILEGE that unions dole out.

Where does that leave us? Jobs Americans need are set up in China, while jobs Americans can't afford are in the hands of union mob bosses.

This all spells high profit & riches for executives, while the average American is left on the unemployment line. This is inherently un-American and leaves us with significantly less opportunities & less prosperity. A union controlled jobless market doesn't qualify.

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