Friday, March 26, 2010

A Fascist yardstick

The "Dow Jones Industrial Average" is known historically in grassroots America as "Wall Street", the epitome of capitalism in the world. Lately, though, it seems like this apparent measure of progress seems to be as easy to game as a postal weigh scale. How can that be?

Well, let's go to the time machine, shall we (waiting to be served court appearance by Dr. Who's lawyers any day now)? When the market "crashed" back in '07-'08, it was difficult to fathom. The era of bountiful growth seemed impossible to end. This is where things get dicey.

What I gathered from all my observations at the time and soon after is that Congress, large corporations were artificially inflating the market by using Fannie/Freddie to back unsustainable B type loans, thus a type of "cook-the-books" mentality took effect. The fact is, Enron/Global Crossing/Madoff type arrangements on a much larger scale were being accomplished by Banking Committee members & the largest corporations. What occurred is that the upper crust of the wealthy had pulled their holdings almost at once, Bilderberger style, so that Fascists could use the opportunity to blame President Bush, and setup the free market for bad bailouts.

The fact is, most of America's large corporations are 2-5 generations past the pioneers that started them. Who runs those corporations now? The butt kissers and brown nosers of those pioneers that are now retired or deceased. Most of today's CEOs make a living brown nosing the Federal Government, not profitting.

These CEOs wouldn't know profit if it sat in their lap and called them mommy! They're all Ivy League dufuses that have been successfully indoctrinated into the Keynes school of economics. Competition? Not on their watch! Why, they bend over for Congress all the time! Far easier to use the Government to bend over your competition than to COMPETE, right?

Healthy competition doesn't feel good at first, but it's necessary for human enrichment. "I'll build a better car than you" is healthy. "I'll falsely accuse the other automaker to make the Feds punish them" is, well, Fascist, if it's done by CEOs that interact with high level politicians on a regular basis.

So what's the result of all this? There's no question that Dow Jones is being utilized by Federal-brown-nosing CEOs in the upper crust to squash their up-and-coming competition. They want to permanently stamp out competition and continue to sell us inferior, overseas goods and services, and the only way to do that is to let the Government abuse the country.

In the meantime, while the Government destroys the American capitalist system, these stupid Fascist sympathizing idiot CEOs will continue to game the DJIA (and the oil markets - let's not go there) to futher their warped concept of "competition". They don't know any other way to do it, never have. Their nose isn't warm and comfy unless they've got it stuck up some huge politician's ass.

The Dow Jones in 2008 should have officially renamed itself to the "Keynes Mussolini Industrial Average". This would be substantially more accurate. The DJIA is so rigged right now that I doubt it will ever crash again. This current arrangement is ready-made to provide the mainstream media their daily vomit.

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