Here we are, on the heels of full fledged Socialism, embarked upon by a group of a few hundred bitter clingers from the left with no knowledge of the U.S. Constitution. I couldn't have imagined we would be facing this, considering how resilient America has been to falling into this trap. Nonetheless, it's time for America to rise up and say NO, once and for all.
This is what I've observed now over the past few weeks on Obamacare:
1)Pelosi says she has the votes
2)Media ignores WH incompetence
3)Patrick Kennedy blames the media
4)Stupak says his group is holding firm
5)Obama cancels his trips
6)Pelosi threatens Demon Pass
7)CBO hasn't compiled numbers
8)Obama fails on FOX News
OK, let's start at Pelosi's initial claim. After February, Obama lost his push on his "plan", which isn't really his anyways. IT'S DEAD. Anyone could see this. It's obvious that Obama's chance at 2012 is tied to passing this poison legislation. This is why he's being adamant, dictatorial if I may be so bold, to passing this bill.
Pelosi, Obama, & Reid share the same special interest groups. The fallout politically will be catastrophic, considering all three have hung their reputations, FOR A DECADE, on the "Single Payer" idea. They simply can't allow this bill to die, if they want a future in D.C.
Starting midway thru President Bush's tenure, the media made an all-out effort to destroy him. They blamed him for things only the devil could claim responsibility for. The wars were failures because of Bush in their minds.
Well, funny how selective the Democrats are when the shoe's on the other foot. As long as the media was helping them passing Obamacare, they were OK to follow. Now that the media isn't following them off the cliff, Pat Kennedy loses his mind on the House floor. "What? Go cover the WH! It's THEIR FAULT!" He might as well have said it.
Pelosi using "Demon Pass" is a sign of desperation. It's also a threat to NO voting Dems. "Fine. Don't vote with us. I'll pass whatever I want, whenever I want!" is the message Pelosi is giving Stupak-type & other NO-vote Dems.
What is going on here? I think Pelosi, Obama, and Reid are playing a blame game. They knew this was dead. They have House-Senate-WH control! Their special interest groups WILL BLAME THEM for a political eternity! The bill already died! Reid doesn't want this bill coming back to the Senate. Obama is already damaged. Blaming the GOP isn't gonna fly with anyone.
This is the crux of Pelosi's behavior now. The idea now is to refuse defeat. Pelosi & House YES Dems are the ones that stand to lose the most right now, and that's why Kennedy went coo-coo on the House floor.
The people don't want this, so what's going to happen? Someone's gonna have to take the fall. I predict Pelosi will be shoved onto the political sword, because Obama can try to achieve some Obamacare concepts thru executive order. He'll dispose of her as quickly as he can.
We're about 72 hours away from the vote. Call & demand answers. And may the Lord be with those that storm the Capitol on Saturday!
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