Sunday, March 21, 2010

The name is CLINTON, (B)ond (J)ames...

WOW! Who could've imagined America would be witnessing this! Suddenly, the "moral" task of health rationing for all has become a super secret spy mission! Obamapussy! Too bad Peter Graves is deceased! Otherwise, Obama might've held back his water too! "Your sedition, should you decide to ingest it..."

This thing has turned into one big mockery. My goodness. "Hope & Change" Obama has become "Dope & Strange" BJ Clinton. How gutless can Obama get? How incredibly ridiculous. This is proving that these Democrats, while drunk with power, are also gutless wimps. They're lame! They're enamored with Stalin, Tse-Tung, Lenin, & Marx, but actually confronting innocent protest is another matter. Cowards!

This is going to get very ugly for the Democrat leadership. While they've pushed, intimidated, blackmailed, bribed, & threatened their opposition, they've exposed their true nature in the process. Cowardice.

Angry conservatives are sick & tired of turning the other cheek. I, for one, being a two decade fighter of the causes of life, liberty, & the pursuit of happiness, am eternally grateful for this.

What's this going to lead to? Conservatives aren't sitting back anymore. I noticed great friends, hot debaters on my favorite social site, Twitter, don't have any more patience for liberal incompetence. The dog-n-pony shows are over. Democrats are on notice now: SHAPE UP OR SHIP OUT.

I'm sticking with my prediction from a few days ago. Obama is going to throw the Botox Queen of the House under the bus. A tea party bus...

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