Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Democrat truth is stranger than Socialist fiction

There's far more that will be disclosed about the supposed "health care" legislation that's been passed by Washington DC the last few weeks, but there is substantial that has already been revealed from which we can make some educated conclusions that are readily apparent to anyone that has studied history & enlightening futuristic social fiction literature, and further, goes right to the heart of human depravity on the radical left, and the fascist-elitists that influence our Government.

Firstly, we have a situation here where Washington DC, with these new medical laws, has essentially hijacked the medical industry in America.  Initially, I was on board with the thought that DC actually thinks they own us, which they do think to some degree, but right now, we're useful for them to achieve their goals. We still have assets from which to confiscate, and we can be distracted to keep everyone's eye off the proverbial ball.

Now for the specifics.

There is this jaw-dropping portion of the Reconciliation law, HR 4872 ( ), which makes microchip implantation into people (and I stress 'people', not citizens) that get medical attention mandatory. I began to wonder just how brazen this kind of legislation is. Americans simply will not accept this, I thought. Washington can't be that confrontational with us yet, can they? We've won popular opinion, they know we have, but yet they did it anyway. It's contradictory to their nature. So, why else would they do it?

Let's consider for a moment their methods, their psyche, and their belief-less existence. There is a purpose for passing this legislation in this manner, and it's NOT meant for us, at least, not right now. History teaches us that human tagging is a way to devalue human life. The radical left and fascist-elitists share one thing in common: GREED. Radicals and Fascists both put a price tag on human life. In their minds, taxpayers are slightly more valuable "cattle". Confronting taxpayers directly with immorality is costly, however, using taxpayers to create distractions is useful to their primitive and depraved goals.

The last few decades has seen several wars that have put America in a position to defend human & national dignities abroad. Almost 25 years ago, President Ronald Reagan gave amnesty to a portion of those immigrants that were here at the time. Consider also, that drug manufacturers and animal rights activists (i.e. radicals, home grown marxists) have been suspected on more than many occasions of colluding to bring about undisclosed goals. These, & many related issues, I believe, go to the core of radical marxist and fascist "moral equivalence" on our soil.

So what is the goal of these fascists and marxists? The illegal immigrant situation has been quite contentious for many years now. They've put a substantial strain on our social systems, primarily medical care. The response to this problem, for the immoral, is "use illegals to pay back what they've taken!"  This thought makes Christians their biggest roadblock. Naturally, Christians will be the first to spot this inhumanity, they must be silenced. Catholicism being the largest, this institution was infiltrated first. Also, Catholics provide the most worldwide aid, including illegals.

The next group to spot this, that won't accept this indignity, is the everyday American Patriot. We are a nation of laws. Patriots just want the rule of law. Marxists think illegals pollute the earth. Fascists think illegals serve a financial purpose. The moral equivalence argument in their warped minds is that the greatest conservative President is at fault for having to make these "tough" choices. Heck, Bush? he killed thousands of foreigners with his unjust wars!

George Soros & others of his ilk, who already see human life with a price tag, is influencing this as well. There is no doubt that some of his behavior is payback, and some is Fascist profiteering. The moral equivalence factor against America is definitely in play here. He intends to damage America's credibility forever, using Washington DC to help him along. Also, people like Pelosi blame illegals for breaking California. Time to get some return.

OK, onto the RFID. Washington elites know America will resist the direct effort to tag. They will scream injustice. This will deflect from their real target: illegal immigrants. Remember this video 6 months ago?

Fascinating how all these things set in motion. This video evidences how
the RFID tags were supposed to go into effect after health care was
passed. Guard exercises? 6 months ago? The health laws were
supposed to have been enacted by then.

This video shows us the CDC was planning something as far back as
2000. This has been in the planning stages for some time now. The
Government is definitely hiding something, but I'm suspecting more and
more that either researchers have already broken laws, or that something
big is being planned. If current laws were already broken, then new laws
to insulate the perpetrators needs to be in effect. If they plan to use people
now, then payoffs have occurred to make this possible.

In a hurry to get illegal immigration on the board? Well, isn't that
convenient. More cattle from which to choose! Let's not forget the
expectation that Mexico is about to collapse. FEMA caskets? It seems like
many dead bodies are expected. Who are we going to war with? Mexico?
Gee, who would be most angry at the profiting of illegal immigrants from
medical experimentation?

Which now brings us to the Health Army component. Detaining millions
of illegals will create a civil incident. This Health Army will bring to bear
the full force of the executive branch onto society. Think Elian Gonzalez
on a massive scale. Don't get in the way. They will do what they want with
the illegals and no one will stop them. "Crying human rights violations?
You should've thought of that when you elected Republicans, you

Oh yeah! Let's not forget Cass Sunstein, who values animal rights over
basic human dignity. His purpose? To replace animal testing with human
testing, namely, illegal immigrants. That's the purpose of the Health Army
and the RFIDs, to "bag-n-tag." Someone very high up the Government
ladder long ago has come to the conclusion that illegal immigrants are the
imminent National Security threat.

America will be permanently stained internationally. Pray this sinister plan

1 comment:

philsy4 said...

hey fat boy where did your people come from? your name is not running deer or white bear. in fact i am not sure what u r but i know this. everyone that came across the atlantic or pacific came as illegals. the term paddy wagon came from? all the irish invading N.Y. at one time. same with the italians germans etc. they were all hated and despised when they came in but some how in spit of folks like mikey here this country has worked for over 200 yrs. the hispanic's only want to better themselves like the rest of us. but that goes again mikeys grain. if all he had to do was cross a river or dessert to get into this country i guarantee u he'd be here. illegal or otherwise. this man is full of hate. just like the rush god & glenn the mouth beck. lie after lie after lie. do not take this man's word. do ur own research.