As I sat back this weekend and confidently watched my NASCAR Sprint Cup Bristol race, I was confident I had accurately analyzed the political outcome for the insurance industry takeover legislation, also known as "health care reform". No need to be too concerned, right?
After the race, I was thrilled to learn "demonpass" had died, knowing that Democrats didn't have the support they wanted in committee. Confidence builder. Right, right. What occurred the remaining 6 hours of the evening was a spectacle of deviance unfolding right before my very eyes.
The Senate bill was to be voted on that night the media reported. "What?" I thought. Shock came over me. Afterwards, media begins reporting President Obama stepped in and "made a deal" with Bart Stupak (D-MI) to get his vote on the insurance industry takeover bill. My wife was scrambling to make sense of what she was witnessing.
Through all of this, I did manage to hear snippets of reports that SEIU and immigration reform protesters were forming around tea party protesters at the Capitol (Love you tea partiers. God Bless you!) At the time, so much was going on, I couldn't make sense of it all. I was thinking fast and hard, but I got wore out before the night ended.
The result? A passed Senate bill made possible by the turncoat Democrat Stupak, whom we later found out never intended to vote NO in the first place, via a leaked year old video. A passed Medicare "Fix-it" bill, plus a Reconciliation bill to the Senate bill. What an amazing cluster-fuck.
My wife and I didn't want to believe what had occurred, and this led us all into mass confusion, but it was clear: everyone in America was being swindled. Just how this happened was best left to trusted radio heads that had staff to make sense of it all.
Monday morning. Coffee, coffee, radio. Let's start processing what occurred yesterday in Congress, being a Sunday during Lent, the Lord's day. Sobering. Reality? We got kicked in the teeth. Absorbing, emotional acceptance. This was a major political battle lost.
Despite that, ironically, just a few days earlier, I tweeted about Bunker Hill, a turning point in US revolutionary war history. To some extent, my political bloodhound was still validated. 34 Democrats, including Altmire (D-PA), a "Stupak 12er", voted with Republicans against the Senate bill. Total count? 219-212. A bill without committee review, making it a violation of House process. All the cheating Democrats did, still only resulted in 51.7% of the vote, less than Obama's election night victory.
My conclusion? No question, sneaky under-handedness won the vote, and the politics. The middle-class is now squarely in President Obama's sights. No surprise, I was aware of his dark upbringing, his motivations. Despite all this, Conservatives have a major moral victory here. Bunker Hill. The Tea Party shored up the opposition. The President had to cheat in order to eek out a win, and, proverbially speaking, you know what they say about cheaters!
As this week progresses, of note is the lawsuit ignited by Virginia AG Ken Cuccinelli (God Bless him!), who is agruing that "insurance industry takeover reform" is unconstitutional on the grounds that it violates the Commerce Clause, Article 1, Section 7. As I write, 11 States have joined in the lawsuit, including Florida, with AG Bill McCollum. No doubt, this is of concern to Speaker Pelosi, President Obama, and Senate Majority Leader Reid, as I don't think they have a clue what kind of illegal shit they wrote into these bills.
Since President Obama and Speaker Pelosi have no idea what kind of poison is in the legislation they just passed, they didn't gloat in front of the Capitol on Sunday. Why? Because the court challenge is unpredictable, like everything else radicals do, shit everywhere and expect the rest of us to follow them around with toilet paper. What will the President do about this? Why, send Rahm Emanuel out to round up the Obamites in thug protest, that's what! Generate a result thru primitive human intimidation tactics. Really disgusting.
Another observation I made is that Democrat "pundits" acknowledge that these bills are garbage, but to them, that's OK! Why? Because "something needs to be done about health care". The mindset is pass OUR SHIT now and let the rest of us wipe their ass later by fixing the destruction they legislated! Really? So destroy the American medical insurance industry for the liberal-warped perception of "morality"? George Costanza would blush! How two-faced and bitter of liberals!
The next aspect to this is the SEIU & immigration protesters. This part is indeed sobering. While the President was using naiive, selfish Democrats in the House who only wanted TV time for free campaigning, his real reason for forcing the insurance industry takeover vote became abundantly clear: to shore up countering "immigration protesters", who are nothing more than Chicago style thugs, more than likely set up by the very same people that set up the AIG exec protesters, to begin advancing immigration reform.
Why is immigration reform so important to the President, you ask? Because illegal immigrants are potentially the President's, and many other politicians (hello Lindsey Graham) only chance at re-election. The polls are in the tank for the Federal Government, and rightfully so. There's no chance those polls will improve, considering the state the country is in.
Anyways, this is a lot to process, but Conservatives and Patriots are in the trenches now, and as long as we march on, harder, stronger, smarter, as the months pass, the Founding Fathers (and Ronald Reagan) will be validated, I predict. Don't let up!
(I'll try to update this blog with links in the coming days)
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