Saturday, March 12, 2011

Media & flawed perceptions resulting from interviews with so-called "experts"

I know, I know. We could write an entire encyclopaedia on all the awful bias the media spills on on us every day. We have to spend hours sifting thru reports  that are full of crap, just to get to the 15 seconds of  facts that are really the only things that matter. They have to constantly infuse their own spin on the news, to satisfy whatever hysteria they're feeling at the moment. This one, however, is quite serious.

Yes, of course, I'm fully aware that a major disaster is quite likely in the event the Japan Reactors melt. Barring all this, one has to keep in mind that ALL energy sources worthy of use come with their own level of danger. Nuclear power is clean, safe, & limitless ... when it's properly contained. That very characteristic comes with an equal disadvantage: The danger of nuclear poisoning.

I just saw FOX News do an interview with Bill Nye, "The Science Guy", so FOX could report his comments on the Nuclear situation going on in Japan.  Mr. Nye was classified as a "Mechanical Engineer". Now, while I'm certain Mr. Nye has extensive fundamental knowledge on how to design a cooling system for a majority of mechanical applications, I would like to know, when was the last time Mr. Nye certified a set of plans for a cooling system design on a nuclear reactor? Better yet, when was the last time Mr. Nye certified a set of plans on ANY mechanical design project? Where are his Nuclear credentials?

FOX didn't bother giving us his most recent resume. The last time I saw "The Science Guy", he was too busy pitching GLOBAL WARMING as a valid scientific theory. That right there told me Mr. Nye "The Science Guy" is nothing more than another TV everyone-love-me hack. He is absolutely clueless as to how to aid in nuclear containment, so his automatic response was "too many variables to use nuclear technology". That's not engineering Mr. Nye, that's giving up before you try. Are you an ENGINEER or a NOT? Don't use your engineering credentials if YOU DON'T ACTIVELY PRACTICE IT.

This is irresponsible, to say the least. "Fairless & Imbalanced" is what I think of FOX, and interviews like this prove that FOX openly accepts TV hackery to gain viewers. Not worth the bandwidth they absorb. Stick to radio & trusted news Internet sites, where facts & truth prevail.


mommy4ever86 said...

As a matter of fact that man is an engineer and f%$&*@ brilliant! So before u go around talking crap about people get your facts straight! Try not to focus on criticizing, when there are definately more important things going on in the world!

mommy4ever86 said...

I can't believe I wasted my time reading your blog! Next time try to be a little more open and not so bias!

mommy4ever86 said...

We r praying for u Japan!

Peter Fleckenstein said...

Ric - This is Pete (fleckman) check out who just followed you and then DM me.